A Tour of Italy

My wife ruth and I have been glued to the television screen over the last couple of weeks watching the Giro d'Italia, that intriguing tour of Italy in the form of a cycle race that leaves me wondering how those extraordinary men can find the muscle power and stamina to cover over 3,00o kilometres of punishing country. At the end of a stage, often on a considerable rise of road and after nearly 200Km of racing, they sprint to the finishing line. I find it thrilling to watch every stage. Ruth is as addicted to it as I am.
A special bonus for me is to see so much of Italy that is precious to me and brings back vivid memories.
The race passes through many places I know and love. One of them is the city of Perugia, a metropolis of ancient Etruscan builders on its lofty hilltop. It is one of the most thrilling cities of Umbria and in a wider sense of Italy. It has a special place in my heart because I spent time there in a studio flat close to the top of the hill in a settlement where you do not go anywhere without climbing steps or coming down them.
I was living there while studying at Perugia's University for Foreigners. The major university building is called Palazzo Gallenga and is right next to the amazingly massive Etruscan arch that allows entry though the walls of huge masonry. It dates from the second century BC and is as solid now as it I imagine it was then. as are the Etruscan walls.
Something of my love of Perugia comes through in my book, "Unpacking Italy: Passions of a Traveller". Perugia is the setting for very happy Italian moments in my life. I think you'll feel something of the spirit of it if you read the book.
Happy reading!

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