Interest in My Work Blog

It has been satisfying to have interest expressed in my book, 'Unpacking Italy: passions of a traveller'. Quite a number of people have asked me how to purchase a copy, and some who have obtained one have expressed their pleasure in reading it.
Why should we find pleasure in oher people's interest in our creative work? I can answer the question only for myself, of course.
I am glad when people enjoy reading my writing for a number of reasons.
One of them is that to write a book means to put a part of myself into the public marketplace where the work I have done will be assessed in the most unmistakable way possible; people will buy it or they won't. I know enough about life to recognise that while the market's assessment could not be the one I would like, then rather than take it to heart as a deeply personal rejection, it is in fact a lesson to learn from and to improve. On the other hand, if the assessment is positive, I shall celebrate.
Another reason is that to write a book is to give many, many hours first in the research, then in the writing, then in the editing of the first and subsequent drafts. It adds up to a lot of one's life given to the project.
A third reason is that no matter how the book is assessed, it is a creative work from one's own heart and mind. 'Unpacking Italy' is launched with affection as a kind of literary offspring. For obvious reasons I wish it well, but I wish too that you, should you become a reader of its pages, will have a pleasant time walking with me in imagination through the fascination that is Italy.

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