
Beautiful Bay of Naples

In recent months there has been some discussion and visual material on television concerning Vesuvius and Pompei, both on the Bay of Naples (Golfo di Napoli).The volcano and the ruined city are bo ........

Remembering Perugia

It seems quite a few weeks ago now since I was watching the very exciting "Giro d'Italia and admiring those amazing men who rode their bikes, sometimes at amazing speed, sometimes up extraordinari ........

A Tour of Italy

My wife ruth and I have been glued to the television screen over the last couple of weeks watching the Giro d'Italia, that intriguing tour of Italy in the form of a cycle race that leaves me wonde ........

Etna Irruption

It was interesting to see Mount Etna irrupting recently. ABC television showed some spectacular pictures.Etna is one of nine active volcanos in Italy, the most active three being Stromboli, Etna and V ........

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day, in my younger times in England, was a major annual event, and still is.. It focuses on a pause for silence at 11am, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The si ........

Democracy and Venice

For most of us, elections of one kind or another come around at intervals and we have the opportunity to influence in at least a small way which political party will form the next government. We take ........


My 'Meet the Author' event at our local library was, by any measure, a great success. It was necessary to bring in more chairs to seat the greater-than-expected number of people attending. I took the ........

Appreciation of 'Unpacking Italy'.

It was a delight to receive from recent readers of my book and attendees of my 'Meet the Author' event, the following appreciation.Dear Tony,Your magical book was a delight to read, thank you so much ........

Pleasant Thoughts of Stresa

There are few places of enchantment to match Stresa, the wonderful surprise that opens up to the eyes of the traveller journeying southwards from the Simplon Tunnel and Switzerland.The shimmering lake ........

My Writing Life

Those who don't write would, I think, find those of us who do rather strange people. We give so many of our hours to tapping out words on a QWERTY keyboard or pushing a pen over paper. What, they migh ........

Interest in My Work Blog

It has been satisfying to have interest expressed in my book, 'Unpacking Italy: passions of a traveller'. Quite a number of people have asked me how to purchase a copy, and some who have obtained one ........

The Pleasures of Travelling

There are, for me, few pleasures to match that of travelling. I describe myself, I believe accurately, as a traveller rather than a tourist. Tourism has never interested me. I hope it does not sound s ........

Christmas is on its way!

As I was sitting in my recliner chair this morning in the very early hours, my thoughts turned to Christmas.The recliner chair is my every-morning-place for writing my first thoughts of the day. It's ........

My Book in the Local Library

I had a pleasant surprise when visiting my local library last week. Just inside the entrance there is a stand with recent additions. I saw that my book, "Unpacking Italy: passions of a traveller", had ........

A Pleasing Piece of Venice

My wife Ruth and I have on a glass table in our home, a very beautiful piece of ornamental glass. It was fabricated by one of the Murano masters of the glass blowing art. Sadly, he died a few years ag ........